50 Best Affiliate Programs for Beginners

50 Best Affiliate Programs for Beginners

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to monetize your blog and generate extra income. It is a type of performance-based marketing where you, as the content creator, partner with a business or platform to promote their products or services. You earn commissions for each successful sale or lead you generate from your blog’s traffic. Joining an affiliate program opens up opportunities for bloggers to capitalize on their website’s visibility by promoting relevant products and services in exchange for a fee from the vendor. Affiliate programs provide commission structures that vary in complexity such as pay-per-click (PPC) revenue share models and flat-rate structures, so there is something for everyone depending on the type of blog they are running.  Below are the 50 Best Affiliate Programs for Beginners out there.

Unlock the Potential of Your Website with an Affiliate Program

Affiliate marketing is an online business model that allows individuals to earn a commission on products or services they promote. An affiliate program is a type of performance-based marketing in which affiliates are rewarded for referring customers to the merchant’s website.

An affiliate program enables participants, often referred to as “affiliates”, to join an agreement with the merchant where they can earn commissions on sales of products and services provided by the merchant. Affiliates set up their own website where they promote products and services from the merchant, and when someone clicks on their link and makes a purchase, the affiliate receives a commission for referring them. Typically, merchants will provide banners or other forms of advertising materials for affiliates to use on their site as well as tracking links so that earnings can be accurately reported back to them.

Discovering How Affiliates Cash-In

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make some extra money, but have you ever wondered how it all works? How do affiliates actually make money? Well, here’s the lowdown: Affiliates are like middlemen between companies and consumers. They use their own websites or social media platforms to promote products or services from other businesses. In exchange for every sale they generate, affiliates earn a percentage of that sale as a commission and start generating passive income.

It sounds pretty simple, right? Well, there’s actually more to it than just connecting consumers with sellers – in order to be successful, an affiliate needs strong SEO skills, creative marketing strategies, and the ability to track and analyze data. That said, if done correctly it can yield impressive profits! So whether you’re looking for some extra income or want to take your online business to the next level – affiliate marketing might be worth a try!

Affiliates Cash-In

Unravelling the Mysteries of Affiliate Link Cookies

Affiliate marketing is an exciting way to make money online. When anyone clicks on your unique link, referred to as an “affiliate link,” you get credit and benefit from the sales. The great thing about affiliate links is that they can be tracked using cookies so you know exactly how many people clicked on your link.

Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored in web browsers and are used for identifying users and remembering their preferences when they visit a website or use a browser again. Every time someone clicks on the affiliate link, a cookie is stored so it’s easy to keep track of how many times the link was accessed by potential customers. It’s an efficient system that ensures affiliates get credit for every lead or sale generated through their links!

Explore the Varieties of Affiliate Programs

Are you looking to increase your affiliate program efforts? Choosing the right program is key! When selecting a new program, you’ll want to keep in mind where your audience spends most of their time. This way, you can make sure that your message will be seen by the people who matter most.

Keeping up with where your target audience is spending their time is essential for achieving success with an affiliate program. If they are more active on certain platforms or visit certain websites more often than others, then it’s important to tailor your content accordingly. Take some time to research which type of programs offer tools that align well with the platform used by your target audience and use these insights to inform the types of programs you choose. You’ll be able to maximize the reach of each campaign quickly and efficiently when you know what works best!

Unlock Your Profits with Search Affiliate Strategies

Marketers are taking their earning power into their own hands, using search affiliates to promote offers and get paid. Whether they’re advertising on a search results page or through online platforms like Facebook Advertising, savvy marketers are investing in themselves and paying for the privilege of access to more potential customers.

Search affiliates provide the means for companies to increase visibility and reach new audiences with their products and services. Marketers can create targeted campaigns that target specific demographics by setting up ads with keywords that relate to the offer being promoted. By utilizing this approach, marketers can gain valuable exposure as well as generate leads from interested consumers who may not have found them otherwise. Additionally, since these ads only appear when someone searches for related terms or topics, it increases the likelihood of an engaged audience responding positively to an offer or promotion.

Influence at Your Fingertips: Exploring Influencer Programs

As a blogger or social media influencer, you have the power to reach a very specific audience and turn them into loyal followers. It’s important to find ways to monetize your following and create content that will be of value. One great way to do this is by partnering with companies whose products would appeal to your target audience. Such partnerships often take the form of an influencer program, where you get compensated for marketing their brand on your blog or other channels of communication.

Not only is participating in an influencer program beneficial for companies, but it can also be incredibly rewarding for bloggers and social media influencers! You can expand your network, increase visibility among brands, and potentially earn significant income from the venture. Plus, such programs provide creative opportunities since you’ll be able to feature new products on your platform while engaging with readers in unique ways.

Uncovering the Value of Review Sites

Review sites are an invaluable tool for modern consumers. Consumers rely on unbiased reviews to make informed decisions about products and services they’re considering buying. For businesses, review sites offer a unique way to connect with their target audience and build their brand’s reputation. Now, there’s another way that review sites are helping businesses reach new customers: partnering with individual companies or affiliate networks to review products and services in exchange for an affiliate link!

This exciting collaboration is mutually beneficial for both parties involved. Reviewers have the opportunity to try out different products and services, while businesses get valuable feedback from real users on what they can improve upon. Plus, the affiliate links give reviewers additional income opportunities as well as helping companies drive more traffic to their website or the product page. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved!

Exploring the Benefits of Coupon Sites

Coupon sites have become increasingly popular in the consumer market, and it’s no wonder why. These sites partner with companies to provide buyers with discounts on products and services in exchange for a kickback. This mutually beneficial arrangement helps both parties – companies increase sales while consumers can save money on their purchases. It’s a win-win situation!

For instance, many online stores offer special deals through coupon sites that shoppers may not be able to find elsewhere. This provides an incentive for shoppers to go through these websites for additional savings before making a purchase. Additionally, some coupon sites even provide customers with exclusive offers not available anywhere else – giving them the added bonus of getting better deals than those found in traditional shopping outlets.

Unlock Email Marketing's Hidden Potential

You have the opportunity to enhance your email campaigns with an affordable and effective way to gain more clients – partner with a company that sells design tools and includes an affiliate within emails you send to design.

Email marketing is a powerful tool when done right. By providing helpful resources in emails that link out to partners that specialize in design tools, the recipient of your emails will be getting useful information that pertains to their interests – without being bombarded by ads or annoying pop-ups. With this strategy, you can help build trust between your brand and potential customers. Plus, depending on the partner company’s affiliate program, you may even earn some extra money from every purchase made through an email link!

It’s time to take advantage of this great opportunity and make the most out of your email campaigns!

Maximize Your Profits with Affiliate Networks

Affiliate networks are the key to success for beginner affiliates. By joining an affiliate network, you gain access to a larger pool of brands and offers to choose from – allowing you to pick and choose which ones best suit your purpose and target audience. Not only that, but they also provide an easy-to-use marketplace where all of these offers can be accessed in one convenient location.

This is a great way for beginners to learn the ropes of affiliate marketing without having to search around for individual merchants. Instead, all the resources are already collected in one place – saving time and energy as well as offering more opportunities than ever before! Affiliate networks make it easier than ever before for beginners to start making money with their affiliate links, increasing their chances of success in this competitive market.

Top 50 Affiliates | Highest Commission Rates

Table of Contents

Explore the Best Platforms for Affiliate Marketing Success

Commission: 1-10% (depending on the product category)

Cookie life: 24 hours

Amazon Associates is the perfect program for anyone interested in making money online. As an Associate (affiliate), you will be rewarded with a commission on qualifying purchases made through your special links or banners. Commission rates range from 1-10%, depending on the product category. Plus, with a 24-hour cookie life, you can rest assured that any purchase made within 24 hours of clicking your link has been credited to you!

You’ll have access to some great tools such as easy-to-use reporting and tracking software so you can monitor and optimize your ads for maximum earnings. With Amazon’s comprehensive suite of promotional materials, including custom links and banners, plus detailed analytics data about every aspect of your campaigns – it’s no wonder why so many affiliates are already taking advantage of this great opportunity!  I’ve been an Amazon Associate for years with great results!

Commission: 1-4%, depending on the category

Cookie life: 24 hours

The eBay Partner Network (EPN) is the perfect place to begin. With a generous commission of up to 4%, depending on the category, EPN is one of the most profitable affiliate programs out there.

Not only does EPN offer great commissions, but it also shares many of the same benefits as Amazon’s well-known associate program. At 24 hours, EPN has a slightly longer cookie life than other programs, giving you more time to make more money with your referrals. Plus, you get access to detailed analytics so that you can track and optimize your earnings easily.

But there’s one downside: each category has its own cap, meaning there’s a limit on how much money you can make per month per category. Most caps fall well under $1,000 – but don’t let that deter you! With EPN’s generous referral fees, which range from 10%-50%, it is still possible to make good money with this program. Plus, if your traffic grows over time, so too will your earning potential!

Commission: Depends on the merchant

Cookie life: Depends on the merchant

Rakuten, formerly known as Linkshare, is one of the oldest surviving affiliate networks – but it’s far from antiquated. With innovative technology and global reach, Rakuten has become a major player in the affiliate world today!

With its cutting-edge tracking system and a wide array of advertising options, Rakuten offers affiliates the opportunity to build their network and grow their business. Its dedication to technology has resulted in a wealth of user-friendly features that make advertising seamless for both advertisers and publishers alike. The network also boasts a great selection of products from leading merchants across multiple industries, enabling affiliates to promote items that are relevant to their audiences.

Rakuten’s proven track record speaks for itself – with billions of dollars paid out over its two decades in service, it’s no wonder this powerful platform remains popular amongst affiliates everywhere!

Commission: Depends on the merchant

Cookie life: Depends on the merchant

CJ Affiliate (formerly known as Commission Junction) is one of the most popular affiliate networks out there. This platform combines a wealth of features and functionality that make it an ideal choice for businesses looking to maximize their affiliate marketing efforts. For starters, CJ Affiliate offers an extensive array of tools, including advanced tracking technology, multiple payment options, and real-time reporting so you can track your performance in real-time.

Additionally, CJ Affiliate provides access to some of the top brands around the world that are actively seeking affiliates to join their network. This means you can quickly land partnerships with high-performing companies without having to do any extra legwork.

Thanks to this partnership, you now have access to a wide range of products and services that fit any niche imaginable. Whether it’s fashion apparel or digital subscriptions, household supplies, or online education courses – if it exists in the world of e-commerce, CJ Affiliates has got it covered. Plus, they provide excellent commission rates so you can make more money in less time!

Moreover, they have a dedicated team ready to help guide you through setting up campaigns and customizing strategies to fit your needs – all while creating increased sales opportunities for your company! 

5. ShareASale

ShareASale Part of Awin

Commission: Depends on the merchant

Cookie life: Depends on the merchant

Are you looking for an easy way to find the right affiliate product? Look no further than ShareASale! These innovative platform partners with thousands of merchants of all types, making it a breeze to find the perfect match.

Whether you’re searching for a digital product, an apparel line, or even a subscription service, ShareASale has something for everyone. With its expansive library of products and comprehensive search filters, finding the perfect item is no longer a challenge. What’s more, its intuitive dashboard makes tracking your progress simple and efficient.

As a new member of the ShareASale affiliate network, you’re about to embark on an exciting journey of monetizing your website. After joining the network, you have to apply to the individual merchants you want to use. Fortunately, this process is straightforward and simple – all it takes is clicking the “join program” button next to each merchant you wish to work with!

Once approved by each merchant, you will be able to generate custom affiliate links and start making money from your website. This means that non-affiliated visitors who click on these links will be sent directly to their respective product page and if they purchase something – you get rewarded! What better way is there than getting paid for promoting products or services that are relevant and valuable for your site?

Commission: Depends on the merchant

Cookie life: Depends on the merchant

With hundreds of partner stores, advertisers, and brands to choose from, it’s easy to find a suitable program for your website or blog. FlexOffers is one of the most impressive databases in the industry. 

FlexOffers offers an intuitive platform that makes it simple to browse through products and select those that best fit your brand identity. Not only can you access top-notch promotional materials such as banners, text links, and dynamic ads, but their comprehensive reporting system also allows you to track your success in real-time.

The best part? FlexOffers’ customer service team is always available to provide assistance should any issues arise. With their help and dedication to high standards of quality control, you can rest assured that you’re in good hands with FlexOffers!

Commission: Depends on the merchant

Cookie life: Depends on the merchant

AvantLink provides a suite of powerful tools that enable merchants and advertisers to increase their ROI while building lasting relationships with partners they can trust. With the help of their sophisticated attribution technology, businesses can accurately track, monitor, and optimize their campaigns for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. In addition, the AvantLink platform also has integrated reporting features so business owners are able to make informed decisions on how best to utilize their budget while increasing brand visibility across multiple channels.

AvantLink is revolutionizing the way businesses conduct performance marketing. AvantLink’s approach to performance marketing is simple; grow your business through quality partnerships. Three unique international networks feature AvantLink’s groundbreaking technology, giving businesses access to an expansive global network of affiliates and publishers.


Commission: Depends on the merchant

Cookie life: Depends on the merchant

Clickbank is an online marketplace that allows entrepreneurs to create and sell digital products with ease. Not only does it provide a place for product creators to advertise their goods, but also offers tools for affiliates and vendors to increase their profits. With its easy-to-use interface, Clickbank has quickly become the go-to resource for professionals looking to expand their reach and maximize sales.

This innovative system takes the hassle out of selling digital goods by streamlining the entire process from start to finish. Once you have created your product, all you need to do is upload it onto Clickbank’s secure servers and they will take care of the rest—automatically listing your item in its massive catalog, creating payment buttons, processing transactions, and providing customer service right within the platform.

Revolutionize Your Income Stream - Top-Rated Affiliate Programs

Commission: 15% recurring or 100% of the first month’s revenue

Cookie life: 90 days

HubSpot provides businesses with a comprehensive suite of software solutions, including automation, analytics, and customer service tools. HubSpot’s all-in-one platform can help business owners streamline operations and maximize sales opportunities.

I love HubSpot and the technology behind HubSpot’s CRM is designed to make it easier for companies to track customer interactions across multiple channels and provide personalized experiences that build strong relationships with customers. With its intuitive design, the software helps teams create automated workflows so they can focus on more important tasks. Plus, it offers powerful insights into customer behavior that can be used to build better marketing campaigns and optimize sales strategies.

By becoming an affiliate, you’re eligible for free HubSpot products and discounts on their services. Whether you’re just starting out with HubSpot or are an existing customer, there’s something for everyone. Plus, with a 15% recurring commission rate per referral over one year or a flat rate of 100 from the first month’s subscription, it’s never been easier to add extra income to your wallet.

Commission: Up to 40% commission rate on account sign-up

Cookie life: 30 days

TrustedHousesitters affiliate program allows publishers and content creators to earn commission on every valid membership their followers purchase. I love TrustedHousesitters and I am a fully paid member as well as an Affiliate member!

With TrustedHousesitters, members can join a global community of pet owners, house sitters, and travelers that are passionate about exploring new places while saving money on accommodation and enjoying peace of mind. Content creators now have the chance to share this amazing opportunity with their audience and be rewarded in turn. As an affiliate partner, you will receive a notification when one of your followers secures a membership — making it easy to keep track of how much you’ve earned!

Commission: 30% Lifetime Recurring

Cookie life: 90 days

Are you looking for an easy way to help your audience grow their business and earn some extra money in the process? Moosend has the perfect solution! With Moosend’s powerful marketing tools, you can easily assist your audience in expanding their businesses, while also raking in up to 40% commissions per referral.

Moosend is a powerful email service provider that offers a full suite of inspiring features to help marketers create amazing campaigns and reach maximum results with minimum effort. From automation to multivariate testing, tracking performance, creating beautiful newsletters, and more, Moosend makes it easy for users to get the most out of their marketing efforts. Plus, as an affiliate partner with Moosend, you can reap huge rewards from referring customers and earning commissions on each sale.

Now’s your chance to both inspire your audience and make money at the same time!

Commission: 30% recurring

Cookie life: 30 days

Are you an existing ConvertKit user? I am. Have you felt that your audience could benefit from the email marketing products offered by ConvertKit? If so, then their affiliate program is perfect for you!

ConvertKit’s affiliate program allows existing users to benefit from sharing their products. As an affiliate, you can earn a commission of 30% on any sales generated through your links. Plus, there are no limits on how much money you can make – so the earning potential is truly limitless!

With this amazing opportunity comes access to exclusive resources and discounts designed to help affiliates get the most out of ConvertKit’s products. You’ll receive regular updates on new features and promotional materials, as well as ongoing support from dedicated staff members. It’s never been easier to start monetizing your content and grow your business with ConvertKit’s flexible and rewarding affiliate program.

Commission: 33% of recurring subscriptions or $100 for every sale referred

Cookie life: 120 days

GetResponse provides both one-time or recurring commission opportunities, giving affiliates the freedom to choose which works best for them.

The GetResponse Affiliate Program also offers generous reward plans that are tailored to fit each individual’s needs. You can earn up to 30% commission per sale, plus additional rewards like cash bonuses or promotional materials. Plus, they have an easy-to-use tracking system so you’ll always know how much money you’ve earned. GetResponse also runs weekly promotions and discounts, so you can maximize your earnings potential even further!

Commission: $15-50 for Fiverr CPA, $10 CPA + 10% RevShare for Fiverr Hybrid, or 30% of every Fiverr Learn course order

Cookie life: 30 days

The Fiverr Affiliate Program may be just what you’re looking for. With this program, affiliates can earn money by promoting Fiverr’s services on their own sites. The Commission structure is incredibly generous too – CPA (Cost per Action) affiliates will receive $15-50 for each successful sale, Hybrid affiliates can enjoy 10% RevShare (Revenue Share) of each sale made through their link, and Learn course orders will result in 30% commission for every order placed.

Fiverr, the online freelancing platform is revolutionizing the way we work. With its latest offerings – Fiverr Pro, Fiverr Learn, and more – it’s no wonder why Fiverr has become one of the most popular sites for freelancers around the globe.

Fiverr Pro features top-tier professionals from all different industries who offer their services at a higher price point than regular Fiverr gigs. It provides an added layer of quality assurance that makes sure every job is done to an impeccable standard.

Meanwhile, Fiverr Learn gives users access to world-class courses and tutorials on topics ranging from web design to copywriting. This ensures that everyone can find something they need in order to improve their skillset or start a new career altogether!  Both my wife and I are Fiverr sellers, users, and affiliate marketers!

15. Constant Contact

Constant Contact Affiliate

Commission: $105 when your referrals pay for a new account, and $5 for each referral that signs up for a free trial

Cookie life: 120 days

This popular email marketing platform has become well-known for its diverse suite of features and affordability. For example, users can easily create emails using templates and customize them with images, text, and videos. Plus, they provide real-time analytics so you can track who has opened your emails and clicked on links.

Not only this but Constant Contact also offers an affiliate program so you can earn a commission when someone purchases their service through your website or blog. This is yet another great way to make money as a small business owner or influencer. 

Grow Revenue Now: The Most Profitable Course Affiliate Programs

16. Thinkific

Thinkific Affiliate

Commission: 30% recurring

Cookie life: 90 days

Do you want to create, market, and sell your own online courses? Thinkific is the perfect all-in-one platform for any aspiring entrepreneur or online course creator. With Thinkific, you can easily share your knowledge and grow your audience.

Thinkific provides users with a variety of features that make it easy to create engaging content. You can upload videos, audio files, PDFs, and more to build high-quality courses quickly and easily. The platform also enables you to launch membership sites so that customers can access all of your content in one place. Plus, with Thinkific’s powerful analytics tools, you can track progress and measure success over time.

You can promote Thinkific courses and earn commissions on every sale. It’s an easy and effective way to start making money while working from home.

Thinkific’s platform makes it easy to get started with its affiliate program. All you have to do is sign up for an account and then select the courses that fit your niche or audience best. Once your account is set up, you’ll get exclusive access to promotional tools like banners, product shots, and custom links so you can start promoting right away. You’ll also receive personalized support from the team at Thinkific whenever you need help with marketing campaigns or tracking results.

17. Teachable

Teachable Affiliate

Commission:  Ability to earn up to 50% commission through the monthly bonus. Recurring up to 30%

Cookie life: 90 days

Teachable is a revolutionary platform that helps people create and sell beautiful online courses with ease. Teachable makes it easy for anyone to develop their own course content, design stunning websites, and even accept payments from students. Plus, Teachable’s intuitive interface allows users to quickly and easily set up an online course in minutes.

Teachable’s affiliate program may be the perfect opportunity for you. Through this program, affiliates are able to earn a commission for each sign-up that results from their referral link. This can quickly add up, and it allows affiliates the freedom to choose how much they want to promote Teachable and their own courses.

The best part about this affiliate program is that everyone is eligible; all you need is a Teachable account. There are no restrictions in terms of who can join or where they live, so anyone with an internet connection can potentially benefit from this amazing offer! 

Commission: 8% per sale

Cookie life: 90 days

As an Udemy affiliate, you will get paid for promoting courses on Udemy’s learning platform. You can start making money today by joining the Udemy Affiliate Program and sharing courses with your friends, family, or followers.

Udemy provides course creators with a powerful platform to share their knowledge and expertise with students around the world. By becoming an affiliate, you also become part of this amazing community and have access to thousands of courses in various topics ranging from web development to drawing. The possibilities are endless! With Udemy’s generous commission structure, you can easily earn up to 50% on every successful sale that comes through your referrals.

19. iSpring

iSpring Affiliate

Commission: 10% per sale

Cookie life: 90 days

iSpring is an international software development company that develops and produces tools to create interactive eLearning content and online training. It has become one of the leading platforms used by professionals in this field, as it provides them with a comprehensive set of resources to create effective, engaging, and inspiring online courses.

The platform offers a wide array of features such as course authoring tools, quizzes and assessments, virtual classrooms, knowledge base integration, analytics, and reporting capabilities. Additionally, iSpring allows users to develop courses in multiple languages with built-in support for over 12 popular translation services. Furthermore, its powerful collaboration tools enable authors to work together on projects from any location in the world!

By joining the iSpring affiliate program, you can get access to both iSpring Suite and iSpring Suite Max. Both of these packages provide powerful tools that help users create stunning presentations.

As an iSpring affiliate, you have the opportunity to earn a commission on sales of either product. You will also receive banners and other marketing materials to help promote their services. Plus, you will be able to track your progress through their user-friendly dashboard.

Grow Your Affiliate Network with These Top-Rated Website Builders

Commission: $50 – $125 per sale (monthly) on a sliding scale

Cookie life: 90 days

NameHero, the leading web hosting provider, has just been voted #1 in the world for its affiliate program! That’s right, from bloggers to entrepreneurs and everyone in between can now get paid to promote NameHero’s amazing web hosting services.

I use NameHero as my web hosting platform and can’t be happier with them and their service.

The NameHero affiliate program is easy to join and set up. All it takes is a few clicks and you are ready to start earning commissions by referring new customers to the site. Anytime someone purchases one of NameHero’s products or services with your referral link, you get paid a commission on each sale. No matter where your referrals come from – social media, websites, blogs, or emails – every successful purchase earns you money. Plus, they have detailed analytics so you can track your progress and make sure everything is running smoothly.

21. RankMath

RankMath Affiliate

Commission: 30% commission on each sale and a chance to win $200 a month

Cookie life: 90 days

RankMath’s SEO plugin and Affiliate Program are now open and it is a great opportunity for anyone interested in affiliate marketing. By joining the program, you can earn money through commissions when someone purchases the plugin after clicking your affiliate link.

RankMath is one of the most popular WordPress plugins on the market and has been downloaded over 3 million times. It offers numerous features that are designed to improve a website’s overall SEO performance, such as automatic optimization and AI-powered assistant recommendations. With so many users relying on this powerful tool, it’s no wonder why affiliates of all kinds are taking notice.

It’s my #1 SEO plugin and I’ve used them all!

Commission: $36 for each new Canva Pro subscriber

Cookie life: 90 days

Canva is one of the world’s leading online graphic design platforms, and becoming an affiliate could be your ticket to earning money with minimal effort. As a Canva affiliate, you can earn a commission for every user that signs up through your unique link – it’s as simple as that! And best of all, there are no limits to the amount of money you can make.

What makes the Canva affiliate program so attractive is how easy it is to get started. All you need to do is register for a free account and set up your profile – no technical skills are required! You can then start promoting Canva products like templates and stock images on your social media channels, website, or blog.

I use Canva for every blog post cover image and more!

Commission: 50% per sale

Cookie life: 45 days

You can earn commissions up to 50% on every single sale and even higher rates when hitting certain milestones in terms of sales volumes. 

Elementor web creation platform already powers 8% of all the world’s websites and counting. 

What makes this platform so unique is its dynamic capabilities. With Elementor you can easily build pages from scratch using intuitive drag-and-drop tools, or customize pre-made templates with ease. An extensive library of widgets also provides endless creative opportunities, allowing you to quickly add content blocks and design elements without any coding knowledge required. All these features come together to give users complete control over their website-building journey – no matter what kind of project they’re working on!

24. Wix

Wix Affiliate

Commission: $100 per Premium sale

Cookie life: 30 days

By joining the Wix Affiliate platform, webmasters can create links and creatives in any language. This includes web banners, landing pages, and text links that are easy to include on any site.

Over 200 million people worldwide choose Wix to create their websites.

Wix offers competitive commissions for each referred sale or sign-up. Moreover, Wix tracks performance with real-time reporting so you have full visibility over your campaigns’ performance at all times.

25. Leadpages

Leadpages Affiliate

Commission: Up to 50% commission

Cookie life: 30 days

Leadpages is an online tool that promises to revolutionize the way you build your website, manage customer contact information and boost conversion rates. With Leadpages, you can create easy-to-customize landing pages in minutes to help your customers find what they need — and convert more leads. Plus, with their affiliate program, you can earn commissions for every customer you refer!

Leadpages is incredibly user-friendly and simple to use. With a drag-and-drop builder, comprehensive analytics tools, and advanced integrations with major marketing software like MailChimp, Leadpages makes it easy to customize your landing pages without any coding knowledge or design experience. You can also easily monitor visitor behavior with built-in A/B testing capabilities so you know which tweaks will give the best results.

Commission: Payouts start at $750 per referral and vary by project size

Cookie life: Contact Crowdbotics for more information

Crowdbotics is revolutionizing the way that apps are built, making it easier than ever before to get an app up and running. With its cutting-edge technology, developers can quickly build web, iOS, and Android apps with exportable React Native Django code. Plus, with tools like built-in DevOps and cloud hosting, users can easily manage their projects in one place.

Its feature-rich platform makes it simple to take an idea from concept to reality – all while saving time and money. And if you’re interested in becoming an affiliate partner of Crowdbotics, you’ll be rewarded for referring new customers too!

27. WP Engine

WP Engine Affiliate

Commission: $200+ per signup

Cookie life: 180 days

WordPress is a free, open-source content management system that runs more than 40% of all websites around the world. But having an amazing website isn’t enough; it needs to be hosted somewhere for people to access it.

That’s where WP Engine comes in! WP Engine provides high-performance web hosting for thousands of active WordPress sites worldwide. With WP Engine, you get lightning-fast page loading speeds and superior customer service, as well as the added bonus of being able to join their affiliate program and earn commissions on referrals.

Running on the renowned ShareASale network, WP Engine’s affiliate program offers affiliates an opportunity to earn a commission for their referrals and put money back in their pocket.

28. Kinsta

Kinsta Affiliate

Commission: Up to $500 per referral + 10% recurring

Cookie life: 60 days

Kinsta offers an enticing incentive – affiliates can earn up to $500 initially, plus a recurring 10% commission for every month. This is a great way to start earning passive income and building your business.
The process is simple: just sign up for Kinsta’s affiliate program and promote their products or services through your website and social media channels. Every time someone makes a purchase using your link, you’ll get paid! Plus, their rewards system has exclusive bonuses like special discounts or giveaways that make it even more appealing.

Make different commissions based on who you refer. 

Earn a one-time commission between $50 to $500 plus 10% recurring monthly commissions on every WordPress hosting and/or get 5% recurring monthly commissions on their Application or Database hosting plans.

Commission: $50 – $100 or more a month depending on sales volume

Cookie life: 60 days

The SiteGround affiliate program is one of the most successful and lucrative affiliate programs on the internet. They are hosting my Adventure Travel blog and I love the company and its services.

As an affiliate, you’ll be able to earn commissions of up to $125 per sale! That’s right – just by referring customers to SiteGround, you can start generating substantial income. Plus, as part of their generous referral program, they offer bonuses and rewards to motivate affiliates. You’ll also receive access to exclusive marketing materials that will help increase your conversions. And with their top-notch customer support team always available, you won’t have any trouble getting started or staying motivated!

Commission: $65 per sale

Cookie life: 45 days

I’m not a fan but Bluehost is one of the world’s largest web hosting platforms, and their affiliate program offers a great way to earn passive income. This program allows users to link their website or blog with Bluehost and receive a commission from each sale that is referred through these links.

Bluehost’s affiliate program is an attractive option for any website, blog, or social media account owner who wants to monetize their content. The commissions are very competitive compared to other hosting services, ranging between 40-65%, depending on the number of sales generated every month. Plus, there’s no limit on how much you can earn – your potential income grows in tandem with your success as an affiliate marketer.

Commission: $65 to $125 per signup

Cookie life: 60 days

HostGator offers a variety of options that can help you become an affiliate and start earning money. With an easy-to-use interface and unbeatable customer service, HostGator allows you to quickly start making money with their program. And if that wasn’t enough, the rewards are nothing short of amazing – it’s like having your own personal gold mine! Whether you’re looking for cash back or points for future purchases, there’s something for everyone at HostGator. 

For website visitors looking to test drive Hostgator, there’s no risk involved. That’s because Hostgator offers a 45-day money-back guarantee on all their plans. So if you’re not satisfied with the hosting service within that time period, you can get your money back!

32. GreenGeeks

GreenGeeks Affiliate

Commission: $50 for one sale; up to $100 for six sales

Cookie life: 30 days

Are you looking for a web hosting platform that not only provides secure and reliable services but is also eco-friendly? Look no further than GreenGeeks! With their affiliate program, you can earn up to $100 per sale. It’s the perfect way to make money while helping the environment.

GreenGeeks makes it easy to sign up for their affiliate program. All you need to do is create an account and start promoting their services through your website or social media channels. Once someone signs up with GreenGeeks through your link, you’ll receive a commission of up to $100 per sale! And the best part is that GreenGeeks provides all of its members with fast, secure web hosting solutions that are powered by renewable energy sources – so you won’t have to worry about any environmental guilt when earning money from this great platform.

Discover the Best Retail Affiliate Programs

Commission: 4% Commissions on all sales

Cookie life: 10 days

If you’re looking for a way to make some extra money, the Macy’s Affiliate Program is an excellent opportunity. This program rewards you with a commission when customers purchase items that you refer to Macy’s. It’s a great, easy way to earn cash while promoting their products and services.

The process of becoming an affiliate is simple; just create an account and fill out the application form. Once your application is approved, you’ll be able to choose from a variety of banners, text links, and other marketing materials provided by Macy’s for your website or blog. Every time someone clicks on one of the links and makes a purchase, you’ll get rewarded with commissions!

Macy’s offers some great incentives too – from promotional codes and discounts to exclusive access to special events or contests – all designed to help increase your earnings potential even further.

Commission: 6% Commissions on all sales

Cookie life: 14 days

Overstock.com – one of the largest online retailers in the world has an amazing selection of designer brands and home goods, you can take advantage of competitive commissions on each sale you make. Plus, Overstock offers a user-friendly interface to help affiliates track their sales progress and manage them quickly and easily.

When you join the Overstock Affiliate Program, you have access to exclusive deals on top products from some of the best designers around. Plus, they offer marketing materials such as banners, text links, coupons, and promotional codes that will help maximize conversions for your business. You will have to sign up with CJ Affiliate (#4 above).

35. Target

Target Affiliate

Commission: 1-8% (depending on the product category and sales volume)

Cookie life: 7 days

Target’s affiliate program has been around for an eternity, and it operates on a volume-based commission structure. That means the more items purchased in, the bigger your commission gets! So if you’re looking to make some extra cash from home like a 21st-century Rockefeller, Target may be your ticket to success.

Be warned – this is not as easy as it sounds. You’ll need to get creative with marketing strategies to bring in customers and increase sales volume. But don’t fret; you may just have what it takes! Just remember that all roads lead to Target – so start planning those campaigns today!

36. Hammacher Schlemmer

Hammacher Schlemmer Affiliate

Commission: 8% on any sale

Cookie life: 30 days

Hammacher Schlemmer is the longest-running catalog in the United States – it’s been around since 1848! With a product selection that ranges from gizmos to gadgets and everything in between, it’s no wonder they’ve been going strong for so long. As an e-commerce business, you may be wondering if their affiliate program could be a good fit for your site. The answer is a resounding ‘Yes!’ Whether you sell toys, kitchenware, or electronics, Hammacher Schlemmer has something to offer everyone. Plus, with their exclusive products unavailable anywhere else plus high commission rates and weekly payouts, there are plenty of benefits to joining their affiliate program that’s run through the CJ affiliate program. So grab your laptop and join the Hammacher Schlemmer affiliate family today!

Commission: Up to 5% of Sales

Cookie life: Up to 14 days

Are you looking for a way to help your visitors have fun in the great outdoors? Well then look no further than Bass Pro Outdoor’s online affiliate program. With this program, you can promote thousands of products that are perfect for those who love the outdoors. From camping gear to hunting apparel, there is something for everyone! And it couldn’t be easier to get started – all you need is an affiliate account and a website or blog with content related to outdoor activities. Plus, Bass Pro Outdoor’s provides helpful resources, such as banners and promotional materials, so that you can easily promote their products. 

Commission: The payout is 1.6% of sales (3.2% of pickup orders, 6.4% when order status equals dfc, 12% of memberships). This excludes items on the product category lists: Alcohol, Tobacco, Fuel, Pharmacy

Cookie life: 3 days

Are you a SamsClub.com fan? With this one-of-a-kind program, you can start making money with ease – by simply linking to their products from your own website!

If you’re a real superfan of SamsClub.com, joining their affiliate program is the best way to show your love and make some serious cash at the same time! You get the chance to earn commission on sales that are referred from your website, so why not give it a try and set yourself up for financial success? Plus, they offer plenty of support so there’s no need to worry about being clueless when it comes to setting everything up. 

39. Walmart

Walmart Affiliate

Commission: The payout is 1.6% of sales (3.2% of pickup orders, 6.4% when order status equals dfc, 12% of memberships). This excludes items on the product category lists: Alcohol, Tobacco, Fuel, Pharmacy

Cookie life: 3 days

This amazing resource is brimming with helpful tools and services that will help you get the most out of your affiliate membership.

The Walmart Affiliate Center is loaded with banners, links and data feed that is guaranteed to give you a leg up on your competition. Taking advantage of these features will allow you to customize your Walmart.com experience like never before! 

From optimizing links for maximum visibility to creating eye-catching banners, the Affiliate Member Center has all the tools and resources you need to make sure your affiliate relationship with Walmart goes off without a hitch (or at least as hitchless as possible).

11 Affiliate Programs That Pay the Most

40. Semrush

Semrush Affiliate

Commission: Earn $200 for every new sale, $10 for every new trial, $0.01 for every new sign-up

Cookie life: 10 years!

Semrush Affiliates is the world’s leading digital marketing tool suite, and they want to help you make money. And that’s why they have come together in an epic partnership with Impact Radius (which you should too).

Through this incredible platform, existing and new Semrush affiliates can easily promote products and services on your website or blog. From SEMrush Guru to SEO Writing Assistant and more, there are tons of opportunities for savvy marketers like yourselves to cash in on some sweet affiliate revenue. Plus, they’ve got a great referral system so you can earn even more by recruiting your friends or colleagues onto our program!

41. Coursera

Coursera Affiliate

Commission: 10-45%

Cookie life: 30 days

Are you looking to promote the thousands of courses and Specializations offered on Coursera? You can either go with the tried and true formula of using their custom banners and text links or make your own unique format that will really stand out. With 4,000 courses to choose from, you are sure to find something that works for you.

Coursera provides a selection of pre-made graphics featuring some of the more popular courses so all you have to do is grab them and post them wherever needed! 

42. BigCommerce

BigCommerce Affiliate

Commission: 200% or $1,500 per enterprise customer

Cookie life: 90 days

BigCommerce is a platform that has been helping aspiring entrepreneurs and established businesses alike achieve success in the e-commerce space since 2009. Its easy-to-use and all-inclusive online store builder provides unlimited possibilities for anyone looking to create a successful online business. With over 150 countries supported, BigCommerce is truly an international powerhouse!

For those interested in joining the BigCommerce Affiliate Program, or “Affiliates” as they are fondly known, there couldn’t be a better time to start taking advantage of this lucrative opportunity. Not only does it offer competitive commission rates and innovative payout incentives, but you also get access to helpful marketing materials and industry-leading support staff. 

43. Shift4Shop

Shift4Shop Affiliate

Commission: $5 – $25 per Signup

Cookie life: 120 days

We all know the importance of SEO when it comes to online stores. And, with Shift4Shop, you can be sure that your store will stand out from the rest! As an affiliate partner, you’ll have access to a wide range of tools and features that will help you build, promote, and grow your business.

But what really sets Shift4Shop apart is its commitment to SEO excellence. With their advanced optimization options and integrated search engine marketing features, you can be sure that your products will reach the right customers at the right time. Plus, their comprehensive analytics platform provides key insights into how customers are interacting with your store—so you can make data-driven decisions to boost sales.

44. Flywheel

Flywheel Affiliate

Commission: 300%, up to $500 per referral

Cookie life: 90 days

Flywheel is a dedicated WordPress hosting solution that wants to help you stay focused on what really matters – creating content! With their affiliate program, Flywheel provides users with an easy-to-use platform that takes away the hassle that comes with web hosting. So why should you join Flywheel’s Affiliate Program?

For starters, they offer generous compensation. You can earn up to $200 for every referral you make and they even have bonuses for top performers. Plus, their user-friendly dashboard makes it simple to track your progress and monitor your earnings.

In addition, Flywheel has some of the best customer services in the industry so you don’t have to worry about tech support or dealing with any headaches.

45. Tripadvisor

Tripadvisor Affiliate

Commission: Minimum 50% per booking

Cookie life: 14 days

TripAdvisor is taking the world by storm – and their title as the “world’s largest travel site” proves it! How did they get to this point? It’s all thanks to their TripAdvisor Affiliate program. This innovative system allows users to upload first-hand accounts of their trips, along with detailed reviews of places they’ve visited. This way, travelers have access to the “wisdom of the crowds” when deciding where to stay or how to fly.

TripAdvisor has revolutionized what it means to plan a vacation. Gone are the days when you had to rely on outdated guidebooks or family members for advice on your holiday destination – now you can browse through thousands of reviews written by real people who have already experienced what you’re looking for!

46. Volusion

Volusion Affiliate

Commission: 200% per Signup

Cookie life: 45 days

Volusion has everything you need to launch an online store. From their drag-and-drop website builder to their intuitive product manager, they have all the tools needed for getting started on selling products online. And if you’re looking to grow your business even further, they offer an affiliate program that allows other people or businesses to promote your products and earn commission from them! That way, you can reach a larger audience and generate more sales without spending a dime!

47. Invoice Ninja

Invoice Ninja Affiliate

Commission: 50% on all referrals for four years

Cookie life: Instead of cookie, Invoice Ninja tracks by account creation from referral URL (for four years)

Invoice Ninja is the perfect app for you. Not only does it provide 100% free open-source invoicing, but it also offers a Ninja Pro Plan for just $10 a month. The best part? You can now join the Invoice Ninja Affiliate program and make money while managing your finances.

With this amazing plan, you get access to features like custom branding, unlimited users and clients, automated payment reminders, and more. Plus, joining their affiliate program allows you to share your love for this awesome app with family, friends, or even strangers – all while earning commission on any sales made through your referral link.

48. Capitalist Exploits

Capitalist Exploits Affiliate

Commission: 50%

Cookie life: 365 days

For anyone looking to grow their wealth, but doesn’t want to put in the effort that comes with researching and analyzing stocks, there is one resource you should look into Capitalist Exploits. This affiliate company provides trade recommendations for investors and anyone else who wants to outperform the market by sharing only the best of opportunities.

No matter if you are a novice trader or an experienced investor, Capitalist Exploits offers something for everyone. They understand that everyone has different levels of experience and knowledge when it comes to investing; therefore they tailor their services accordingly. The team works hard every day to help individuals achieve their goals in a safe, secure, and profitable manner.

Capitalist Exploits is not just about providing trade recommendations either; they also provide access to educational content as well as offer analysis on important trends in the markets.

Commission: 1-5%

Cookie life: 30 days

Ulta is a beauty brand that caters to both the budget-minded and the high-end beauty enthusiast. Boasting an impressive selection of skincare, makeup, and personal care products for every price point, it’s no wonder Ulta Beauty has become one of the most popular sources for beauty aficionados everywhere. For those who want to indulge in luxury without breaking the bank, Ulta offers prestige products from reputable brands like Benefit Cosmetics and Lancôme at a fraction of department store prices. For shoppers looking for more affordable options, they have just as wide a selection of drugstore favorites like NYX Professional Makeup and e.l.f Cosmetics.

50. Thumbtack

Thumbtack Affiliate

Commission: $50 – $200

Cookie life: N/A – Instant Referral

Do you want to make some money while helping your friends find the best pros on Thumbtack? If so, the easiest way to become a Thumbtack Affiliate is to start sharing your unique referral link with everyone you know!

With your link, anyone who signs up for Thumbtack will receive credits toward their first job. And when they hire a pro through Thumbtack, you get paid for it – easy peasy! Plus, if someone hires multiple pros through your link – Cha-ching! 


In conclusion, I hope you’ve learned something about the highest-paying affiliate programs out there. If you’re looking to make some extra cash, look no further than these lucrative opportunities! So get out there and start making the money you deserve. Don’t forget to thank us later when your bank account is overflowing with all those sweet commissions! And if you don’t like any of these options, just remember: there’s always the lottery. Good luck!

Check out our other blog post: 55 Ways to Make Extra Money in 2023

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Michael Harlow
Michael Harlow

Helping beginning entrepreneurs grow a passive income stream using the power of the internet.

Articles: 8

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